Hey, you might like this movie! (a series)

Suspense and mystery movie recs from me!

Alright, honestly who didn't enjoy a good old suspense movies right? These movie recs might keep you on your toes. So, without any further due let's dive in!

Coming in number one we got,

Psycho (1960) directed by the one and only Alfred Hitchcock, this movie would be the definition of old but gold. I'm sure some of you have heard about this movie or even seen it, but for those of you haven't yet, the hell are you waiting for?

Film ini mengikuti seorang karakter bernama Marion yang melarikan diri membawa uang selingkuhannya, setelah mampir ke sebuah motel dan bertemu dengan pemilik motel, Norman Bates, Marion secara misterius terbunuh di kamarnya, kini adiknya pergi mencarinya, apa yang akan terjadi pada adiknya?

This movie got it all, the intricate story-telling, suspenseful scenes, a very intriguing characters, a very damn good plot twists. Gaya sutradara Alfred Hitchcock juga sangat khas, si Alfred ini dibilang-bilang bukan cuma bikin film horror/suspense yang unforgettable aja tapi juga membuat cetakan film horror modern yang tak kelang waktu! Walau masih item putih nih gambarnya but it shouldn't be a problem peeps! GO WATCH IT NOW!

Next on number two we got,

The Babadook (2014), now this movie I dare say is a very underrated horror/suspense movie, because I haven't really heard many people talk about it, but damn this one is straight up will f*** you up lol. I think what really interest me is how the director manage to build the perfect suspense scenes that lead up to the best climax of the movie and it does not dissapoint. I love the story though it's a little unbelievable, but then again emang ada film horror yang believable? That's right, none lol.

So this story follows a young mom, yang lagi kesusahan ngebesarin anaknya yang super imajinatif, dia ngebesarin anaknya sendiri karena suaminya udah meninggal, nah suatu hari ibu ini bacain anaknya buku dongeng misterius yang tiba-tiba berubah menjadi teror untuk ibu dan anak ini.

At first I was a little skeptical about the movie because it's dark, lol it's very depressing too, and also disturbing, but that's what makes this movie even more intriguing. Uniknya film ini tuh jarang banget nunjukin sosok "Babadook" -nya ini, jadi bener-bener unsur suspense dan horrornya itu dari karakternya, dari musiknya, dari dialognya, how the director carefully place every element of surprise, and the plot twist man, you wouldn't see it coming. Just don't watch it alone or you'll go insane. But definitely GO WATCH IT!

Last on number three, we got

Mother! (2017) directed by the notorious Darren Aronofski. Now this movie is a lil' uhm 'cuckoo', because then again Aronofsky does famous by his mind-oggling movies, but this one is a lil something. Trust me this movie won't keep you on the edge of your seat oh no it will not instead it will keep you so far back in your seat until you have no idea what's going on, because you do have no idea what's going on.

Cerita ini tuh tentang Veronica dan suaminya (yang di film ini dipanggil dengan Him) mereka had a good life dan sedang menunggu kedatangan anak pertama mereka. Him is a writer, karena ketenaran Him ini mereka memilih tinggal dirumah yang jauh dari kota. But they life took a turn waktu suatu pagi tiba-tiba ada seorang pria yang datang ke rumah mereka yang ngaku sebagai penggemarnya buku-buku Him.

Film ini dibintangi oleh Jennifer Lawrence dan Javier Bardem, yes dua orang yang popularitasnya emang ga main-main, but oh how perfect they are for this role, Jennifer's acting is so goddamn on point that I felt like the movie is too real. I couldn't even find the words to describe how bizzare but yet entertaining this movie is. Plus ada Michelle Pfeiffer yang perannya ga gitu significant but somehow terrifying. Jujur gue sendiri pun habis selesai nonton film ini langsung searching what the hell is the movie about, karena emang segitu mindfuck nya hahaha (or maybe I'm just dumb lol). But this don't stop me to keep recommending this to everyone especially to you. Please, GO WATCH IT NOW!

And that's the end of today's episode of "Hey, you might like this movie!", please do notice that I'm an amateur movie lovers, what I wrote is purely my opinion and from a professional angle I bet it's a bunch of nonsense. But that's what cinema is about you can translate it to whatever you like and whatever it means to you. With that being said I'll take my leave, see you when I see you.


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